David Street School

David Street School

A little bit about me:

I have had a passion for food my whole life and started cooking and baking in the kitchen at a very young age. I come from a family of foodies – so you could say it is in my blood and nothing brings me greater joy than to prepare delicious food whether it be our family dinners, entertaining, catering for a function, wedding or children’s party and now being able to serve the children at David St School a variety of lunches that hopefully also opens up their taste buds.


From training as a chef to working in the food industry most of my career from the kitchen, sales, manufacturing and until recently working alongside the Ministry of Education for the lunch in schools programme through a distributor, my wealth of knowledge will bring a range of delicious child-friendly foods which include sandwiches, hot meals like mac &cheese, lasagne, soup, sushi, fresh baking, fresh fruit salad pots and snacks.


Mrs E x

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